Do your kids have more toys than bedroom space? If you’re struggling with the old Lego vs. feet battle, it’s time to get serious about storage.
Get pesky blocks and Barbies off the ground for a tidy and organised home with these 5 creative ways to organise your kids’ toys.
The best part? These clever storage tips make it easy for your kids to grab their toys come playtime, so you won’t be hearing that whiny mu-um or da-ad when they can’t reach their favourite plaything. You’re welcome.
1. Under-Bed Rolling Drawers
Is there anything under-bed rolling drawers can’t do? Well, we wouldn’t recommend keeping your pet fish in them, but other than that they’re pretty darn versatile!
Under-bed rolling drawers are perfect for keeping Legos, blocks, stuffed animals, and other toys organised and out of the way. It also beats throwing toys under the bed without any system – that’s just a recipe for dust bunnies and interference come vacuum time.
Whether you’ve got an old set of drawers you no longer use or you’re handy with a hammer, creating under-bed storage is simple. Add wheels to your drawers to make them easy for kids to pull out and rummage through. You’ll find affordable caster wheels at most home and hardware stores.
Bonus tip: Paint the front of your drawers with chalkboard paint to make them easy to label with chalk.
2. Over-Door Hanging Shoe Organisers
Shoe organisers aren’t just for holding your sneakers, you know. With perfectly sized pouches, these are also great for storing arts and crafts supplies, Barbies, matchbox cars, and other small toys.
Hang it on the back of your kids’ bedroom door or cupboard door to keep their stuff out of the way. You might even like to label each pouch to keep things organised.
3. Tiered Fruit Baskets
Kids’ toys don’t just stay in the bedroom or playroom. Goodness, no! You’d know all too well that kids also like to play with their toys while they’re watching telly in the lounge room, and even when they’re having a bath or shower (especially when they’re having a bath or shower).
Now, unless you’re Beyoncé (in which case, hey girl, love your work!), you probably don’t have endless space to spare in your bathroom.
Tiered fruit baskets make use of vertical space to keep your kids’ toys out of the way and your bathroom tidy. Hang it in the shower or keep it sitting on the vanity or by the bath for easy access when your kids want to play speedboat or whatever the heck kids play these days.
Bonus tip: Keep a fresh apple among the toys as a passive aggressive reminder to your children to eat more fruit.
4. Wall Planters
Cute, right? Wall planters don’t just keep your kids’ stuff off the floor. They also create a stylish little wall display for their bedroom.
Great for everything from stuffed animals and dolls to books and blocks, simply attach them to the wall within your kids’ reach and you’re on your way to a tidier (and more stylish) home.
5. Floating Shelves
OK, so this one may not be super creative and out-there, but floating shelves are just too good to leave out! We’d have them from floor to ceiling on every wall in the house if we could.
Now you’ve sorted the toys out, get to work on your wardrobe with these tips for storing clothes. And, if you have just too much excess stuff for your liking at home, consider a self-storage unit with National Storage.